Sundays at 9 am

& 2:30 pm

Be Bold at 9 am

Advent Study for All Ages


There is a second opportunity to participate in our Sunday morning group Sundays at 9.. it’s Sundays at 2:30. At 2:30 Sunday afternoon there will be another group meeting where we discuss the same topics the Sunday's at 9 group discusses. If you miss a 9 am group or if meeting at 9 am just doesn’t work for you we encourage you to pop in for the Sunday’s at 2:30 pm.

What are Sundays at 9 & 2:30?

Sundays at 9 am is an opportunity for members and non-members of the church to come together in a focused discussion with the intent of deepening our spiritual life and walk with God.

What are Sundays at 9 & 2:30 currently doing?

Reading the New Testament

We will be reading and discussing the New Testament - Currently in Mathew


There will be two different times available if you would like to attend. One at the usual 9 am on Sunday morning and the other will be 2:30 pm on Sunday afternoon.