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What to Expect on Sunday Morning
Worship involves our drawing closer to God and to one another and begins when you experience a warm welcome by one of our greeters. Entering the historic Sanctuary building you will be met by an usher who will hand you a bulletin outlining the worship and fellowship opportunities for the coming week.
The worship begins with a short time of announcements. The Pastor then transitions us towards God with a short story highlighting the theme for the day. A brief quiet time with music allows us to open our hearts and minds to what God wants us to know and experience of the love of Jesus Christ.
Worship has a pattern:
Adoration/Praise is where we begin with a Psalm of praise and opening hymn.
Readings from the Bible and a message by the Pastor follow next.
We respond to God with our prayers and offering.
We close worship with another song of thanksgiving and praise.
New Membership Class offered 2-3 times per year introducing basic beliefs and organizational structure
of the congregation. This class is for those who want to take the “next step” of discipleship, uniting with the
congregation and vowing to support the mission and ministry of Sharon Church
Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of every month. We observe Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) using a yeast bread and unfermented grape juice. There is a gluten free option also available. At the direction of the usher, each row will be invited to come to the front via the center aisle, to kneel or stand, and receive the elements. The pastor will say a few words directing you when to eat and drink. A final blessing will be given and you will return to your pew by the side aisle. If you are unable to come forward, please tell the usher and the pastor and assistant will bring the elements to your seat.
Baptisms for children, youth and adults happen as a regular part of worship and if you would like to arrange for a baptism please contact the church office.
Our Campus
Our old brick church building was built in 1876. It resides next to the Rowes Corners Cemetery. Today, we can seat 100 worshipers on the main floor along with designated space for wheelchair seating. In the balcony there is seating for an additional 30 worshipers. The church is capable of adding additional seating when needed. Our building has been continually updated and currently has central air conditioning and a sound system for the hearing impaired.
Fellowship Hall
Our Fellowship Hall was constructed in 2009.
The hall consists of 2,800 square feet in the main meeting room with an elevated stage and sound system.
There is a licensed kitchen.
The conference room is used for small group meetings, adult Christian Education classes.
There is a multi-purpose room that is used by our Chancel Choir.