Prayer Request Form:
If you have a prayer concern or joy you would like to share with us, we encourage you do to so. You do not need to share your name or contact information but we would appreciate it so that we may follow up if there is something we can do to assist you. All prayer requests are handled by the prayer team during Tuesday prayer meetings.
Q: What happens to my prayer request after I’ve made it known?
(Confidential Prayer Requests will remain at step 1)
A: There are several possible responses that may happen after a prayer request is received:
1. Prayer requests are recorded by the Intercessory Prayer Team and prayed over every Tuesday.
2. Prayer requests may be shared with the Prayer Chain.
3. Prayer is a ministry of Sharon Church and we seek to develop a relationship with all those we are praying for.
Whenever possible the Intercessory Prayer Team will respond with a note expressing their prayers and compassion.
4. The person submitting the initial prayer request may be contacted for additional information (i.e., mailing address)
(If you do not wish to be contacted please check no on the prayer request forum.)