Welcome to Sharon Church, we are excited to have you with us.

Our invitation is to COME - just as you are, FOLLOW JESUS as we PARTNER WITH GOD to experience life-giving love, and SERVE the COMMUNITY TOGETHER

We extend a word of invitation to everyone! We believe God has something here at Sharon Church for you to experience worship, learn how to be a follower of Jesus, or find a way to serve the community together.

Our traditional worship format happens in a casual atmosphere  where folks come from blue jeans to Sunday “best.” Children of all ages are always welcomed.

Pastor Tom Waller leads us in an invigorated 10:30am Sunday worship service, and also helps to provide spiritual leadership throughout the week as we bring the light of Christ into the world and share our love of Jesus with others.

  The second Sunday of each month we gather in the fellowship hall for worship and refreshments.

As a Congregation of the Global Methodist Church Our Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

Here at Sharon Church, we are guided by 4 simple statements:


Follow Jesus

Partner with God

Serve the community together


For the latest Online Worship Service, Worship Outline, Announcements and more please click the link above to be taken to our Weekly Worship Page.

For our Connection Card you can go HERE or fill it out on our Weekly Worship Page


Sunday worship:

Virtual: 8 am

In-person: 10:30 am

For our on-line friends please go to the Weekly Worship section of our website: Here

or you can check out our YouTube Channel: Here


You can now donate to the mission and ministry of Sharon Church electronically. This safe, secure, easy and quick method is available Here



Located in Manchester Michigan - Click the map for details